©Mania Karimianpour | Self Portrait
MOC Art Residency
Application Deadline:
Program Starts: August 2023
Duration: Four Months
Eligible to Apply are:
BIPOC female* & LGBTQIA+ artists and artisans between the age of 21 & 29 with migration background who live in Berlin

©Maria Tsolka | Crumpled
MOC Art Residency is a remote residency program and lab in which BIPOC female* & LGBTQIA+ artists and artisans between ages of 20 & 29 with migration background come together to create, collaborate, learn and exchange. We welcome and support artists at the earlier stages of their art practice and facilitate them to find their way in the art scene of Berlin.
The program is founded on four pillars: Inclusion, Facilitation, Community & Collaboration.
The goal is to leap over as many obstacles which are otherwise irrelevant to one’s creative flow and can hinder the marginalised creative minds: language barriers, social barriers, gender barriers as well as racism, classism, hierarchy, elitism and all what what can make the art industry bias and unachievable.
MOC Residency welcomes those creating crafts and traditional arts equivalently to other forms of arts to participate and collaborate with other artists. I f required, we can offer professional supervision in mother-tongue for those who have just arrived in Berlin.
Professional networking is a key aspect of our program. Collaborations between artists and non-artists, established artists and upcoming artists, patrons and spaces in Berlin will be a priority.
Each residency period takes a total four months and within
the residency calendar year, lab meetings, workshops, studio visits and public events will be organised in different neighbourhoods.
There are two calls for participants in the year, in July and in November. We accepts up to twelve participants during two periods in the year.

©Golnar Tabibzadeh | No Matter How Broken
This residency concept is founded on the following four pillars:
1: Inclusion
Even though the art & culture scene of Berlin offer plenty of opportunities for artists, lacking access to information and coherency in German language can make them inaccessible to many newcomers. Unfortunately the art industry of Berlin could have an exclusive dynamism.
As a young migrant person of colour in the early stages of your practice, you could feel as if you solemnly stand a chance. Much worse, you would constantly be pushed to represent and fit in with the image that the privilege world ‘expects’ to see of you.
Not only that this creates a vicious cycle of relations; it is discouraging, misleading and harmful towards the organic flow and formation of a young creative identity.
This program will work hard to break that dynamism by making the residency as accessible, supportive and inclusive as possible.
2: Facilitation
Creating art in a safe space, combined with professional training and mental health support; can play a key role in finding one’s artistic identity.
All trainings, workshops and coaching in this program will be facilitated by aspiring female*/LGTBQIA+Berlin-based artists with migration backgrounds.
3: Community
Sharing and exchange through art creates a unique bond between people. Being part of a reliable community has a direct impact on the growth and empowerment of young migrant women* and queer individuals. While art as a way of expression, communication and healing remains the heart of this project; frequent group discussions, coaching, providing a vivid network of exchanges and collaborations would be a priority. Access to mentoring, information and exchange in mother-tongue, will support the building of those bridges with individuals who otherwise would not get involved.
4: Collaboration
The partners of MOC residency have been selected with utmost care with the perspective to expand the possibilities of collaboration for the participants.
Every step of the program will involve networks of art and culture organisations, facilitators and partners across Berlin.
I want the newcomers and migrants to feel they are valued as people and artists. That their contribution to Berlin is respected professionally.
Who Can Apply:
The projects welcomes all female* and LGTBQIA+ artists and artisans between ages of 21 & 29 with migration background (forced, by choice or second generation).

©Tineke Sietsma
Please send the following documents in a PDF format with an email titled MOC RESIDENCY APPLICATION to
- Short Biography
- Your CV in regard to your artistic activities
- An artistic portfolio including maximum ten samples of your works
-Letter of intent including a brief description of what you wish to work on during this residency period and what you expect from the program
All applications must be received by lates 25.07.2023 midnight. Applications that are received after this period will not be taken into consideration.

©Maria Tsolka | Stroked
Included in the program are:
- Facilitation of workshops led by professional artists and culture managers based in Berlin.
- Frequent Lab meet-ups for presenting and support in progress of the development of the projects and professional access to artistic supervision (also in mother-tongue if need be)
- One mental-health support workshop
- A production material budget of 700€ per participant for the residency period
- Access to atelier rooms/ working space hosted by the partner organisations upon request on a shared basis
- A networking event with art & culture spaces in Berlin
- A final group exhibition in Summer 2024 including works created by all 24 residents
For further questions, write an email to:
To be informed of the news and future calls, click & join
To be informed of the news and future calls, click & join
All Mirror of Creation projects as well as MOC Art Residency have been funded by

MOC Art Residency is working in cooperation partnership with